Tuesday, April 20, 2010


I saw reality today,
His eyes were deep and wide like the bottomless pit
We sometimes fall into....the pit that is pitch black and dangerous,
Beautiful and gentle, hostile and violent...obvious and ironic.
I stared at him and he stared back too.
He looked through me, past me, into me...he engulfed me.
I felt him; I had been waiting for him with a ravenous appetite and greed...
I needed him, I craved him...I saw him today.

As one with reality I saw all that I was, am, may or may not be...
I am life and he is reality...in seeing him I now exist.
My birth was so quick like a flash of lightning I almost missed it,
Indeed it was painless...or was it? Gone are the scales from my eyes,
The ones that made Saul blind...I see with such clarity,
I see brilliant life forms around me...I exist. I am who I am.

I saw a young woman hungry for change, weak for the sweet juices of humanity,
Waiting to be fed on glory, honor and fame.
This woman is so frail and sad and yet so calm, so beautiful, like the sea before a storm.
I looked into the abyss Reality pointed out to me
And I saw her sitting on the stairs,
Telling another being of her pain.
I saw her flinch as the "thing" laughed at her humble speech,
I saw the hidden tears. I saw me.

Today I sat on the stairs, telling a truth I have already told,
But this time with conviction...I admitted to change;
I accepted it; Embraced it; Caressed it.
I saw Reality and willingly fell into him and drowned. I loved him.
I love him. My sweet Reality.
See the thing is....I saw that I can be better, do better, change and transform
With the stroke of an artist's brush...
I can be a strong woman, a good woman, brilliant and care free...those things can be me.
I am loving, I am strong, I am brilliant, often wrong, always right,
Loyal and dedicated like the bird to his master or the sun to the sky.
See, I saw Reality, and he told me I am all that I believe and hope I am...

The problem was, the entire time, he had seen me and loved me...
But I never gave him the chance...
Until I saw Reality today.

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