Tuesday, June 9, 2015


Sometimes the weary soul is lost...and the road seems barren and we seem so far from that oasis we are seeking....simply Hope. 

When tension is high and patience has run dry and you want to sigh because everything hangs in the balance....simply have Faith.

And when you want to scream at the IMPERFECTIONS of imperfect people and growl at the insincerity of the human heart...simply Love. 

If all these things...in our lowly human state fails....continue to look toward the Cross....for there Hope, Faith and Love hang, ready to embrace you and ease your burden. Simply PRAY :-) 

Letter to Myself

Dear Samantha,

Just in case you didn't know and in the rare moment that you forget, I just wanted to let you know that:

YOU ARE MORE THAN YOU THINK YOU ARE! You are smart, brave, kind, compassionate and a soul who relentlessly fights to get out of the darkness and into the light. So keep fighting, keep trying, keep pushing ­ even when the darkness and doubts begin to creep in. Be encouraged, be blessed and have faith.

YOU ARE RESILIENT! You are a fighter, you are creative and brilliant. Embrace these qualities. Don't give in to the temptation to be weak when the going gets tough. God's strength will sustain you.

WHEN THINGS GO WRONG, ACKNOWLEDGE THEM AND MOVE ON! You are not the sum of some bad tests or life's disappointments. Life is a journey and not a destination. Enjoy your life ­ don't beat yourself up. If you need to cry, do so, but please leave the past behind. Live in the present ­ stop living in the future too ­ leave those what-­ifs alone. I promise you that better days will come, I just can't tell you when.

YOU ARE NOT ALONE; YOU ARE NOT INVISIBLE. YOU ARE EXTRAORDINARY in a world where ordinary is what counts. Sometimes, that overwhelms you because of the standards and principles you apply to your life. There may be folk who don't understand you, but I just want you to know that that is ok. So what if others don't care about the same things, or show respect like you do? Just pray for patience, love and peace of mind to deal with whatever comes your way. Even when someone hurts you, remember that it may not be intentional and even if it was, please know that TIME HEALS WHAT REASON CANNOT.

I've noticed that you've been having a hard time lately, and those rare moments aren't so rare anymore . You doubt yourself, you're hurting and you're sad. Please do me a favor:

REMEMBER YOUR JOY! I remember you saying some time ago that even if you're not smiling and maybe feeling sad, that your soul is ok because you have JOY. Please, remember that!

This is quite a long letter, not overly deep and it may be a little cliche and superficial. But I wrote it so that you'll read it and smile and BELIEVE​ THAT YOU WILL BE ALRIGHT, YOU WILL OVERCOME AND YOU WILL SMILE AGAIN.

I love you dearly and hope to see you soon, with a smile :­) 



Monday, November 12, 2012


She went to fight today,
Dressed in full armor,
Glistening sword in hand,
Courage painted on her face
Taste of the soon coming victory on her lips.

Rigorous training for this day,
Mighty among the ranks,
Stronger, faster, more cunning
With the changes of the moon.
And she knew her time had come
To show her valor, to earn her place

And so before the dawn she stood ready,
At the edge of the battle field
Staring at the impending doom,
Determined to rise victorious.

But alas a strange thing happened,
A thick fog rushed at her with blinding speed.
Engulfed her whole - bone, blood and flesh.
And she cried out! What is this sorcery?

She was stripped bare to her nothingness,
Left unconscious to the present happenings.
And then, as though pushed through the fibrous
Window of existence, she finally awoke,
In another time and place.

A new battle field.
No armor, no sword or weapons...
But wait, what is this...a machine with words.
There was no battle cry but instead,
A small voice said: you may begin....
And then she knew.

Her war was not some glorious fight of heroes,
But to conquer knowledge that was dangerously elusive.
One click, two, three...reading question after question.
Sigh, how can she fight this battle of the mind?
When her weapons were a mere sheet of paper and lead...

And so she went deep into the throes,
Awakened now from the illusion.
And she was nearly made a casualty,
Bleeding beautifully within,
And no one saw, or dragged her to the trenches for relief.

Alas, she felt her inevitable gloom,
Victory lost and defeat bitter.
She had lost the battle.
Will she win the war?

Sunday, November 11, 2012


I'll indulge you with a smile,
A sweet smile while staring into your eyes.
I'll indulge you with a whisper,
On your lips, your neck, your chest, your soul
I'll indulge you with a kiss,
Sensual, deep, slow and then...
I'll indulge you with my hands,
A playful caress, sensuously sure of the destination.
Indulge me as I indulge you...
Penetrate my soul and take all that I am
And then indulge the night and sleep in my arms.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


I saw reality today,
His eyes were deep and wide like the bottomless pit
We sometimes fall into....the pit that is pitch black and dangerous,
Beautiful and gentle, hostile and violent...obvious and ironic.
I stared at him and he stared back too.
He looked through me, past me, into me...he engulfed me.
I felt him; I had been waiting for him with a ravenous appetite and greed...
I needed him, I craved him...I saw him today.

As one with reality I saw all that I was, am, may or may not be...
I am life and he is reality...in seeing him I now exist.
My birth was so quick like a flash of lightning I almost missed it,
Indeed it was painless...or was it? Gone are the scales from my eyes,
The ones that made Saul blind...I see with such clarity,
I see brilliant life forms around me...I exist. I am who I am.

I saw a young woman hungry for change, weak for the sweet juices of humanity,
Waiting to be fed on glory, honor and fame.
This woman is so frail and sad and yet so calm, so beautiful, like the sea before a storm.
I looked into the abyss Reality pointed out to me
And I saw her sitting on the stairs,
Telling another being of her pain.
I saw her flinch as the "thing" laughed at her humble speech,
I saw the hidden tears. I saw me.

Today I sat on the stairs, telling a truth I have already told,
But this time with conviction...I admitted to change;
I accepted it; Embraced it; Caressed it.
I saw Reality and willingly fell into him and drowned. I loved him.
I love him. My sweet Reality.
See the thing is....I saw that I can be better, do better, change and transform
With the stroke of an artist's brush...
I can be a strong woman, a good woman, brilliant and care free...those things can be me.
I am loving, I am strong, I am brilliant, often wrong, always right,
Loyal and dedicated like the bird to his master or the sun to the sky.
See, I saw Reality, and he told me I am all that I believe and hope I am...

The problem was, the entire time, he had seen me and loved me...
But I never gave him the chance...
Until I saw Reality today.

Thursday, April 8, 2010


So many wishes...so many needs...an infiinty of desire....miraculous sacrifices...hopeful moments...tears and tears and pain...the sun has left the sky...But in my existance I know that the sun will rise again...and like it I too shall be glorious!

Thursday, December 31, 2009


I need to write; should be writing what I feel, what I know and what I am. I should be hearing the way the keys sound under the pressure from my fingers, but instead I'm hearing those voices that tell me to think and not type, to pick up my mental pen and write thoughts in a memory book that will fade. I've been trying, feeling, meaning and hoping to write something...cause emotions are bottled up inside.

So I'm here again...was my absence noted? Maybe, maybe not. I've been in a cage inside my own mind for a few weeks....and now I find it hard to reproduce what I have already created....sigh...I will be back.